Get started easily with FASHIONBOARD.
It is easy to get started with FASHIONBOARD. With an integration to your ERP system, you’ll be up and running in no time.
We assist with the complete setup and provide training, education, and guidance on the program.
Get started easily
1) Book meeting
Book a meeting here on the website and let’s schedule an appointment in the calendar when it suits you.
2) Intro
We’ll meet for a discussion about your current setup and needs, and then we’ll outline a plan for the next steps.
3) Demo site
We’ll set up a demo site with your data so you can test the system and validate the data.
4) Go live
We are live with FASHIONBOARD! You’ll receive training in the system and get started with the tools.
FASHIONBOard - et demand planning tool

FASHIONBOARD is nota ERP system but a separate add-on for forecasting and inventory management, which is placed on top of the company’s existing systems.
An installation on top of the company’s ERP system typically takes 4-6 weeks including prototyping, testing, and training. As a customer, you only need to allocate
- ½ day: Data extraction
- ½ day: Verification
- 2 days: Training
Results in the form of reduced inventory and increased availability typically occur within 3-6 months.
FASHIONBOARD integrates with
Here are the systems we currently have full integration with, while integration with other systems will be added gradually.